Summer Camp

From: Aviva Dear Rabbi, I have been appointed “activities director” of my shul’s summer camp. I’m supposed to come up with a theme for the camp which will fuse exciting activities with Jewish content. So, I was wondering if perhaps you had some ideas for a camp, or maybe just some approach one could use[…]

Summer Break

From: Jacob Dear Rabbi, Summer vacation is here. In our family, the girls have been on break from school for a while. The boys will be going on break soon. Everyone’s on break but my wife and I. And we feel we’re about to break. We certainly love our kids, and always (theoretically) look forward[…]

Vacation Validation

From: Mathew in NY Dear Rabbi, I am planning a family vacation after Tisha b’Av and I would like some advice and guidance on how to make it worthwhile Jewishly speaking. On the one hand, the kids have a lot of Jewish education throughout the year and I don’t want to overburden them with that[…]