Revolt or Renaissance

From: Pam Dear Rabbi, Why is the Hasmonean uprising against the Greeks viewed as a spiritual uprising rather than a military and political revolt of the oppressed against a foreign intruder? Dear Pam, The revolt of the Hasmoneans against the Greeks was not a typical revolt of the oppressed against their oppressor. This is because[…]

Speechless Sound

From: Raizy Dear Rabbi, Our prayers are verbal, linguistic and very expressive. This is especially true for the High Holiday liturgy. Still, the pinnacle and highlight of the Rosh Hashana prayers is the wordless, raw, and simple sound of the shofar. What is the explanation for this? Dear Raizy, You are right. While the shofar[…]

The Holy Writ

From: Vicky Dear Rabbi, As we approach the holiday of Shavuot commemorating the receiving of the Torah, would you please explain how and when the first Torah scroll was actually written? Dear Vicky, The Talmudic Sages (Gittin 60a) actually differ about this point. In the view of one opinion, the Torah was written on separate[…]

Wining, Dining, and Reclining

From: Russell Dear Rabbi, Would you please discuss the mitzvah of reclining at the Seder meal? Dear Russell, While partaking of the four cups of wine, and the matza at the beginning of the meal, and the korech “sandwich” (of matza, maror, and charoset), and the afikomen matza at the end of the meal, one must do so in a reclining position. This may[…]

Feminist Purim

From: Rivi Dear Rabbi, Am I correct in noticing that Purim features the role of a woman, Esther, as heroine more so than other Jewish holidays? If so, why might this be and what is the message? Dear Rivi, Purim is not the only holiday which features a female protagonist. The holiday of Pesach which[…]

New Teshuva

From: Netanel Dear Rabbi, I became a ba’al teshuva years ago. Since then, I did teshuva on all my sins, and haven’t done any serious new ones. So what should I be focusing on during this whole period of repentance spanning Elul, Rosh Hashana, the Ten Days of Teshuva and Yom Kippur? Dear Netanel, As[…]

Summer Camp

From: Aviva Dear Rabbi, I have been appointed “activities director” of my shul’s summer camp. I’m supposed to come up with a theme for the camp which will fuse exciting activities with Jewish content. So, I was wondering if perhaps you had some ideas for a camp, or maybe just some approach one could use[…]

Tammuz, Av and the Zodiac

This is a continuation of: Tammuz, Av and Divine Names From: Rodney Dear Rabbi, Since the months with holidays are considered “good months”, are the months of Tammuz and Av considered “bad months”, since they have days that commemorate the destruction of the Temple? Dear Rodney, In the previous installment, we explored the permutations of[…]

Tammuz, Av and Divine Names

From: Rodney Dear Rabbi, Since the months with holidays are considered “good months”, are the months of Tammuz and Av considered “bad months”, since they have days that commemorate the destruction of the Temple? Dear Rodney, Since you ask about multiple months, and since there is a lot to discuss, and since the discussion is[…]